miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008


Hi from Washington DC again!

Since María Martha and me always like to share our passion for teaching and learning, I thought of her and her blog when I came across this quote that puts it so very nicely. Hope you enjoy it, too.

"Call me in my office any Friday night and I’ll tell you the secrets of my success. The truth is, I’ve worked hard, I’ve been lucky, I’ve had a wonderful set of mentors along the way, and I now have a very dedicated set of people I’m working with. My parents gave me a piece of advice that I took to heart: find something you’d want to do anyway, and let somebody call it a “job” and pay you for it. It’s great advice!"

Randy Pausch, 2007

The summer is round the corner here, and I love it! Sunshine, green leaves and tons of flowers and birds are all around. We all look happier, too. I can't wait to go back home to Argentina with my husband, Scott in a few weeks. We'll be there on June 6th. I'll also take a class in Resistencia, Chaco and, while I'm there, I'll visit the Iguazú falls. I'm thrilled. I haven't been there in a long time.

That's all for now. Hope you are all having a wonderful May.

Hasta pronto,


Mónica Domínguez Mulholland

2 comentarios:

Maria Martha Espindola dijo...

Thanks, Moni, for making us feel part of your life!

What a wonderful way of giving a recipe for success! I couldn't agree more!

There is only one thing, perhaps, that Friday nights are for family and friends, so, as for me... "Call me Monday morning...!"

As regards the weather, if we had to say what time of the year it was here considering temperature, we would always be at a complete loss. We are in Autumn (Fall) but it is very hot (25-35ºC) and humid here in Misiones these days! (It's been like this for about a week!)
I always say that, as we love our vegetation here, we have to put up with the weather that makes it possible, don't you think?
So, bring your shorts but also, don't forget a sweater too, because all of a sudden it may start raining and the temperature goes down in a few hours.

Enjoy this time of preparation for your coming to Argentina and especially, to Chaco and Misiones!

Lots of love, ma.ma.

Monica Dominguez Mulholland dijo...

Ahhh, yeah! We all need a little chilling by the end of the week, don't we?
Thanks for the recommendations!
