Dear Ma. Ma, family, friends, colleagues, students, and co-bloggers,
This is my first post on Ma. Ma’s awesome blog, and I want to start by thanking her deeply for inviting me to join it.
My name is Mónica Domínguez Mulholland. I met Ma. Ma in May of 2002 when she kindly invited me to facilitate a two-day workshop on Multiple Intelligences at the ISM in Posadas, Misiones. As the years went by, I have been fortunate enough to have found a dear friend in her, for which I am extremely thankful. Over the last few months, Ma. Ma has brought Misiones and its incredible beauty to my students in the USA by writing on my blog. We definitely love all her contributions, and are always hungry for more!
I have been reading the posts Ma. Ma. has written here to share with you all, and I have found them very enriching and stimulating. I know, with no doubt, that we both share a passion for teaching and learning. That’s why we say that the motto that best describes our friendship is “Birds of a feather flock together”.
Like her, I find that learning brings enormous joy to my life. I have studied the English language almost all my life and I’ve taught it for over twenty years, but since I moved to the USA six years ago I have been teaching and studying Spanish, and I absolutely love doing both.
Something else that brings happiness to my life is my dear husband, Scott. We have made our home in Northern Virginia, just a half hour drive from Washington DC. It’s just the two of us here but I have made several friends among colleagues and students. That amount has multiplied phenomenally thanks, in large measure, to the beauty of technology.
I don’t want to say goodbye without commenting briefly on Ma. Ma’s last few posts and her header. I was deeply touched by her fable on happiness; it’s SO true! And I completely agree with Theodore Roethke’s quote about the fact that teachers continue their education in public. I personally feel that, as a teacher, every day I learn much more than I teach.
As to their 25th Wedding Anniversary, to M. Martha and Rick, CONGRATS! Way to go! Keep shining together. You are both awesome! By the way, thanks for that unforgettable tour of your province; I treasure it in my mind and heart.
Once again, a world of thanks for this invaluable opportunity to share experiences and thoughts with you guys.
I am looking forward to more exchanges in the near future.
Love and Peace to the breathtakingly beautiful Tierra Roja,
PS: The picture depicts one of the most beautiful events in the city: the Cherry Blossom Festival by the Potomac River, the cherry tress (a Japanese gift) bloom every year right at the start of Spring. It's definitely something to see.
2 comentarios:
Thank you Moni for your passionate comments! I'm sure my students and friends will feel delighted to share a bit of your experience.
In my classes I always mention many of the things I've learnt along our friendship and learning processes path.
You are right we share many things and one of them is letting others peep into our souls through little windows we open through our art. (poetry, painting, blogging?)
Isn't it true that we give what we need most?
Lots of love and a big hug, ma.ma.
Thanks, Ma. Ma. Your words are very encouraging!
By the way, you're a great writer. Thanks for sharing that incredible talent with us!
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