jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

Hamlet on line

You can read Shakespeare's Hamlet on line now.

Enjoy it!

Luv, ma.ma.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

2nd Year Health-Science Fair revisited

Some weeks ago, students of the 2nd year of English Teacher Education College, Profesorado en Inglés, 2º año del ISARM, Posadas, Misiones, organized a Science Fair on Health guided by their Language II teacher, Lic. Mirta Mabel Herheluk.
I had the opportunity of walking around and listening to most of their presentations.
I even took a survey which results told me I have to exercise my body more!!!!!
It was a very interesting event and it was full of students from all levels!
Congrats and my hat off to you MABEL!
Hugs, ma.ma.