Celebrate BB King's 84th Birthday today watching him:
Teacher: One who carries on his education in public. Theodore Roethke This blog intends to be a space for reflexion and discussion about learning and teaching as processes that go hand in hand. It started in English only but now I've decided to write my posts in Spanish, too. Este blog pretende ser un espacio para la reflexión y la discusión sobre aprender y enseñar. Hay entradas en inglés y en castellano/español.
miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009
Happy Birthday, BB KIng!
I have just heard on the radio that BB King, one of my favourite blues singer is 84 today.
Enjoy "The Thrill is gone" live in Italy.
Enjoy "The Thrill is gone" live in Italy.
martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009
Possessive Nouns and Possessive Adjectives By Kenneth Beare, About.com
Possessive Nouns and Possessive Adjectives
By Kenneth Beare, About.com
The formation of possessive nouns and possessive adjectives is sometimes confusing to students. The reason for this is that many languages commonly use 'of' for this construction.
The color of his shirt NOT shirt's color
The ball of his dog NOT his dog's ball
In everyday English, however, we generally use possessive nouns and possessive adjectives rather than this 'of' form.
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive adjectives are used instead of possessive nouns when the reference is understood. For example:
Tom is a dog lover. He takes his dog Spike everywhere!
In this case, it is clear that 'his' refers to Tom because of the context. Possessive adjectives are always placed in front of the noun they modify. Here is a list of possessive adjectives:
I - my dog
You - your cat
He - his book
She - her car
It - its color (NOT it's!)
We - our dog
You - your house
They - their farm
By Kenneth Beare, About.com
The formation of possessive nouns and possessive adjectives is sometimes confusing to students. The reason for this is that many languages commonly use 'of' for this construction.
The color of his shirt NOT shirt's color
The ball of his dog NOT his dog's ball
In everyday English, however, we generally use possessive nouns and possessive adjectives rather than this 'of' form.
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive adjectives are used instead of possessive nouns when the reference is understood. For example:
Tom is a dog lover. He takes his dog Spike everywhere!
In this case, it is clear that 'his' refers to Tom because of the context. Possessive adjectives are always placed in front of the noun they modify. Here is a list of possessive adjectives:
I - my dog
You - your cat
He - his book
She - her car
It - its color (NOT it's!)
We - our dog
You - your house
They - their farm
lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009
Primavera en Misiones

Hace unos días estalló la primavera en nuestra zona. Recorriendo Posadas, se pueden ver distintos tonos de rosas en lapachos y azaleas; amarillos y blancos. Todo es color y verde.
Si bien todavía no es la "fecha del inicio de la primavera", ella está en el aire, sin dudas.
Ára Poty: tiempo de las flores, así se dice Primavera en guaraní.
Spring is in the air. Though the calendar still does not tell, it is here, no doubt.
Posadas, my hometown, has been adorned by different shades of pink, yellow and green.
There are big trees and small flower pots everywhere.
For the Mbya Guaraní people, this is a special time of renewal of life.
Let's celebrate it with them.
A big hug from Posadas, ma.ma.
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